Put this date in your diaries: Saturday 23rd November 2024
The REN is delighted to announce its inaugural conference, with high-profile keynote speakers, led by Sir Anthony Seldon, themed on AI and the future of education, and the place of faith literacy in future schooling.
Join in with your choices from eight interactive workshops on all aspects of RE teaching including the launch of the draft of the new Theology, Philosophy and Religion curriculum, visit displays and enjoy networking and sharing opportunities. The venue is The Broadway Academy, The Broadway, Perry Barr, Birmingham, B20 3DP. The Broadway Academy is rated ‘good’ in all categories by Ofsted and provides excellent facilities for our conference.
Full details will appear very soon on this website and for our mailing list of members.
Applications may be made via: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdxIX_G7V_G2vBnWaypyXFwUgEBQg88X7Tjiel5G28rnZLXog/viewform?vc=0&c=0&w=1&flr=0&usp=mail_form_link