
All enquiries for membership should be addressed to the Co-ordinator at [email protected]

Membership is open for those who accept and support the aims and purposes of the Network. In due course there will be a small subscription which will cover expenses. Please read the following, taken from the Constitution:

  1. Membership

    Membership shall be for those who share the aims of the REN, who are over eighteen years of age.

    This may include:

    1. Organisations or associations committed to the support and promotion of Religious Education and related disciplines;
    2. Individual members of school, college or university departments who are engaged in, or in support of, religious, theological or philosophical education.
    3. Individuals with an interest in Religious Education, who support the aims of the REN
    4. Members shall contribute to the effective activities of the REN by means of a subscription which shall be reviewed annually by the Committee and its accounts be made available to members at an Annual General Meeting. Payment of the subscription is the condition of membership. There shall be one level of subscription for organisations in category (a), and another lower subscription for individuals in categories (b) and (c).
    5. Members shall elect the Committee via an Annual General Meeting by a simple majority vote. Such a meeting shall be quorate if at least a quarter of the members are present. Each member shall have one vote, and in the event of a tie, the Co-ordinator, or chair of the AGM, shall have the casting vote.
    6. It is the duty of all members to ensure they understand positions the REN adopts. Differences of opinion and understanding are healthy within the REN. However, a member may be removed if, in the opinion of the whole Committee, that member is bringing the REN into disrepute, or ceases to share the stated Aims of the REN, providing at least 21 days’ notice is given to that member and an opportunity provided to resolve the matter.
    7. No member may benefit from monies held by the REN. The Treasurer shall confirm, on behalf of the Committee, reimbursement where legitimate expenses are incurred on behalf of the REN.