Education News up to December 2024

Teacher Pay Award 2024-25 In July 2024, the Education Secretary accepted the School Teachers’ Review Body’s recommendations, confirming the teacher pay award for the 2024-25 academic year. This decision outlined the expected salaries for school teachers in...

Personal Knowledge analysed

Barking Up the Wrong Tree A critique of targeting ‘personal knowledge’ in Religious Education Introduction A tweet recently: a speaker at an online webinar tweeted:  “A worldviews approach that unpacks positionality leads to powerful knowledge for students of RE”...

Hinduism and Worldviews

Religion is not a worldview: it has concrete philosophies and should not be left open to the interpretation of teachers and schools. It is well and good to debate/challenge/discuss these philosophies, but the philosophies themselves should not be left open to...

Seeta Lakhani

In all ancient religions which have come down to us at the present day, we find one claim made – that they are all metaphysical. The origin is not the human brain, but somewhere outside of it. Some believe that ancestor worship is the beginning of religious...

Richard Coupe Talk at Westminster March 2024

INTRODUCTION I would like to start by expressing my enormous gratitude to Fiona Bruce for hosting tonight’s event, in the midst of so many parliamentary responsibilities; also to  Lucy Williams, who has managed all the details of the evening, and to Guy Hordern...