News & What’s On


Freedom of Religion and Belief

We congratulate the Prime Minister’s Special Advisor for Freedom of Religion and Belief, Fiona Bruce MP, on receiving a unanimous vote in the House of Commons at the second reading of her private member’s bill to ensure her current post becomes a statutory Government...

A Level Entries Report

A detailed review of recent data from Joint Council for Qualifications is published by NATRE, and shows an alarming situation for A Level RS, especially in Wales.

Farmington Scholarships 2024-25

Hurry! Farmington Scholarships for 2024-2025 applications close on 28th January 2024! Check this webpage: Open to headteachers and UK secondary and primary school RE teachers, teachers of RE to children with Special Educational...

Ofsted reports on RE in schools, November 2023

Ofsted reports on over 2,000 school inspections over the previous year, reaching some difficult conclusions for Religious Education. A general comment in too many primary and secondary schools, the religious education (RE) that pupils receive is of a poor quality and...

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