News & What’s On – click the heading for more detail
RE Curriculum
Check the new RE Curriculum page for great examples of worked RE curricula which are exciting, innovative and demonstrate the best in successful, academically rigorous RE, and the development of a Theology, Philosophy, Religion and Ethics curriculum based on very...
Deep and meaningful? The Ofsted religious education subject report, April 2024
The Religious Education Network welcomes this Ofsted Report, and we hope that its Recommendations can now form the basis for positive action by Government ministers. Some 50 schools agreed to be surveyed from 2021 – 2023, half primary and half secondary (of which 15...
Autumn conference
The Religious Education Network’s next major event is the Autumn conference. Watch this space for more details!
REN at Westminster
Nearly 70 experts in Religious Education came together at Parliament on the 12th March for a gathering generously hosted by Fiona Bruce MP, the Prime Minister’s Special Envoy for Religion and Belief. Its topic was ‘What does knowledge-rich, high quality religious education look like?’ The speakers addressed both academic issues and practical ones. Guests were drawn from Parliamentarians, academy trusts, universities, SACREs, faith groups, educational organisations and schools.
Freedom of Religion and Belief
We congratulate the Prime Minister’s Special Advisor for Freedom of Religion and Belief, Fiona Bruce MP, on receiving a unanimous vote in the House of Commons at the second reading of her private member’s bill to ensure her current post becomes a statutory Government...
A Level Entries Report
A detailed review of recent data from Joint Council for Qualifications is published by NATRE, and shows an alarming situation for A Level RS, especially in Wales.