RE Curriculum

The REN is pleased to present a variety of successful and distinctive versions of rigorous, well-planned and successful RE curricula which provide models for schools and colleges.

The REN has also begun work on a curriculum for TPRE (Theology, Philosophy, Religion and Ethics), versions of which are already running in many schools with outstanding levels of participation and enthusiasm by pupils and students. This will appear here in due course

RE and Character Education

The Birmingham Agreed Syllabus for Religious Education (2022) and its accompanying lesson planning tools. This is the result of up to sixty participants, in the largest education authority in the country, focussing on Virtue Ethics, which is a long-standing project for schools based at the Jubilee Centre for Character Education in Schools at Birmingham University.

The Broadway Academy Birmingham curriculum, one way of implementing the Agreed Syllabus:

TPRE (Theology, Philosophy, Religion, Ethics)

Lodge Park Academy (Corby) presents a TPRE related curriculum which is knowledge-rich and well-planned:

Norwich High School has a quick guide to how a curriculum based on Theology, Philosophy, Religion and Ethics can be presented:

Celia Biddie’s article on RS at KS1 – KS2 at her school is a fine example of a TPRE aware curriculum:

Catholic Education

St Simon Stock Catholic School (Kent) presents a clear and thorough Catholic curriculum which combines education in the Catholic Christian Faith with a proper awareness of alternatives in modern society: