Links & Resources
Teacher Resources
Sections 47 - 50 Inspection (for Religious Education in schools with a religious character)
This is the law on the inspection of religious education, and guidance on its application is available for governors and school leaders from a variety of agencies appropriate to the school concerned.
Ofsted Reports for Religious Education
Fiona Bruce MP on centrality of religion in RE
The Bloom Review
The central role of faith in society and education in Britain today
Professor Philip Barnes’ articles
Professor Keith Ward urges us to reconsider the role of Humanism in RE
Religious Studies specification of ISEB Common Entrance
Academy Learning upcoming courses
Association of Christian Teachers
The ACT specifically helps Christian teachers and others interested. This site gives really helpful podcasts:
Association of Muslim Schools
The Board of Deputies for British Jews
Christian Coalition for Education
Farmington scholarships
Applications are now closed for the academic year 2024-25. Applications will open for the 2025-26 academic year in October 2024
Hindu Academy
The Ian Ramsey Centre at Oxford University (for religion, philosophy and science)
The Independent Schools Christian Alliance
NASACRE guidance for SACREs
Oxford Centre for Christian Apologetics
- for young people
The Oxford Foundation (for young Muslims)
The Religious Education Quality Mark
UNIVERSITIES providing support for schools’ RE
University of Aberdeen
University of Cambridge
University of Chester
Keep an eye on their webinars
University of Exeter
Those seeking Primary Training should be pleased that Exeter has now raised its level of RE provision from 0 a few years ago to 6 hours on this course
University of Oxford
Religion and Worldviews: The Triumph of the Secular in Religious Education
Have you got your copy yet? If you are a thinking and reflective teacher of RE you need to read this book: Religion and Worldviews: The Triumph of the Secular in Religious Education
Philip Barnes is editor of this collection of essays on the Worldviews project, which the authors find to be lacking coherence and undermining the proper study of religions, of any real philosophy or grasp of ethics. Available from the usual bookseller sites.